Have Technological Gadgets Restricted Children’s Imagination?

Have Technological Gadgets Restricted Children’s Imagination?

Have technological gadgets restricted children’s imagination? Parents need to take the necessary steps to avoid exposing their children to the wrong things online and on their mobiles. Although it can increase the productivity of the work force, it has the unintended consequence of making children lazy. Today’s kids prefer to spend maximum time indoors, on their computer, on the television, or in front of the computer, and they avoid outdoor activities. This type of behavior is detrimental to physical development and stunts the growth of creativity. Furthermore, less active kids are more likely to develop obesity.

Many parents are worried about this growing trend. According to research by Common Sense Media, kids using technological gadgets increased by ten percent in the last two years. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics is also strongly against this trend, and warns parents not to allow their children to become dependent on technology before they are two years old. Parents also need to know the negative health implications of technology use in kids, which is often accompanied by sleep disorders.

Technology has made life more convenient for parents and children. The use of technology has not only increased the comfort level of the users but also decreased the working capacity of the human brain. It has been estimated that the use of these gadgets has reduced the working capacity of the human brain by up to 50%. It has also adversely affected children’s vision and their health. As a result, parents should encourage their children to play outside their homes and spend quality time together instead of spending hours in front of the computer.

Besides affecting children’s sleeping habits, technology has also disrupted the parent-child relationship. Children are more likely to use these devices before bed, affecting their ability to study effectively during the day. Lack of sleep also affects the child’s ability to focus on schoolwork during the day, which in turn hampers educational progress. Additionally, the constant failure of a game may cause an adverse emotional response, influencing children’s behavior.

Similarly, the use of these devices has reduced the children’s ability to develop their creative thinking. Without the assistance of their parents, children are less likely to be able to solve problems and use their imagination. Instead of using these tools to entertain themselves, they are looking to these gadgets for solutions. While they may be useful for parents, they hinder their child’s ability to develop their creativity. And, the use of technology has also reduced the child’s ability to think critically.

While these technological devices may seem useful for young people, it is essential for parents to model this behavior for their kids. It is imperative that parents show their children how to balance work and play. As a parent, children will follow their parents’ lead. So, when it comes to screen-free time, it is important that parents set a sensible schedule for the family. While children will naturally mimic their parents’ behavior, they need to be taught to set a healthy balance between the two.

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